Alternative investments. Made simple.

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Investing in alternative assets is quickly growing to become a popular choice for those looking to diversify their portfolios beyond the traditional asset classes. Today, investors can reap potentially higher returns and hedge against market volatility.
With just 4% of analyzed deals presented to our investors, we focus on discovering the sector leaders, established funds, and renowned luxury asset collections that best fit your mandates.

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Investing and trading the widest array of alternative assets

Unlock opportunities in alternative assets starting from US$500. Get exclusive access to curated global opportunities in private equity, private credit, luxury assets, and leading funds to meet your investment strategy.

Private Equity

Access exclusive funding rounds of category leaders

Tap on our unique network of the fastest-growing, most innovative firms around the world and invest in their bold vision for the future. Take part in the best performing asset class since 2008*.
(*McKinsey Global Private Markets Review 2022)
secondary market

Southeast Asia's most vibrant secondary markets

Realize privately-owned shares by tapping on our global network of investors. Powered by proprietary market data and insights.
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Private credit

Discover opportunities in Private Credit

Capitalize on opportunities across a wide variety of products to fit your risk appetite, ranging from senior credit, venture debt, and more.
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luxury assets

For investors with discerning tastes

Access the world of rare collectibles of premium wines, rare whiskeys, and fine art. Appreciating assets, in more ways than one.
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Invest with Alta today

As an Individual Accredited Investor

Annual income of S$300,000 or more.
Net financial assets of S$1 million or more.
Net personal assets of S$2 million or more.
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As an Institutional or Corporate Accredited Investor

Net assets of S$10 million or more.
Share capital or beneficiaries of the company is owned by one or more persons, all of whom are Accredited Investors. (Reach out for more information)
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