Exclusive: Income Insurance Listed on AltaX

From 12 Jan 2024, invest and trade in Income Insurance, one of the leading composite insurers in Singapore. Only on Alta Exchange (AltaX).

(Note: Trading on AltaX is available for institutional and accredited investors only.)

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Also listed on Alta Exchange

An Industry-Defining Liquidity Program  

Alta, through its digital securities exchange, and in partnership with PhillipCapital, unveils the Income Insurance Share Liquidity Program, a unique liquidity solution for Income Insurance shares. Need more information on selling Income Insurance Shares? Head to over to the PhillipSecurities microsite now.
Phillip Securities Microsite

Trade on AltaX: The Leading Digital Securities Exchange

Shares of Income Insurance now listed on AltaX are available for trading by AltaX’s extended network of global institutional and accredited investors. Member brokerages and their investors can start investing and trading the shares from 12 Jan 2024 onwards. Sign up for an account with Alta or any of our member firms today.
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